

Studies of peri-urban in Ile de France

Jan 4, 2015

Peri-Urban 'chronicles' from the Ile-de-France Urban planning Institute (IAU)

Here are two interesting views of the peri-urban areas of Ile-de-France. They look at the diversity, the dynamics and the realities of peri-urban territories, deliberately avoiding the stereotypical and binary vision that tends to divide the EU territory into urban and rural in favour of a more subtle approach.

These chronicles give the opportunity to clarify a concept which, by its complexity and ambiguity, is subject to multiple interpretations, depending on the political agenda. Whether peri-urban development is seen as good or bad for the territory, the environment or for inhabitants, we need to understand it better in order to develop the tailored policies and strategies thatwill enable it to be managed. This way we can ensure Europe's growing peri-urban areas will prosper. 

Chroniques du périurbain