

PURPLE and the 7th Environmental Action Programme (EAP)

Aug 12, 2018

The PURPLE network has submitted a response to the European Commission's online consultation on the current (7th) Environmental Action Programme.

Alongside its responses to an online consultation questionnaire, PURPLE also submitted a stand-alone statement calling for a clearer place-based focus in any future version of the EAP post 2020. Whilst strongly supportive of an overall framewprk for environmental concerns across all policy areas, PURPLE called for greater coherence across policy "silos" and greater policy coherence with environmental matters much nore clearly posited as a cross-cutting theme explicitly written into all sectoral policies.

At the same time, PURPLE wants to see a much clearer and more overt territorial dimension to environmental actions and policy with the particular opportunities arising in different types of territories - for example peri-urban- highlighted in national implementation plans etc.