Mr. Per Unckel, governor of Stockholm hosted the PURPLE event on May 21 and 22 in Stockholm. Now, the platform consists of 13 regions spread over Europe: Catalunya, Flanders, Íle-de-France, Regio Randstad, MHAL(three country region consisting of Liege, Maastricht, Hasselt and Aachen), Frankfurt Rhein-Main ,Rhône-Alpes, Nord Pas de Calais, Mazovia, South East England, Stockholm, Dublin and West- Midlands.
Councillor Gerry Horkan of Dublin Regional Authority came to Stockholm to present its region to become a member of PURPLE. The swift growth of this region as well as the demand for space needs a special strategy. Nevertheless, it is a city region where the ancient relationship between urban and rural when it is about agriculture and foodsupply is still existing, but do need a new approach. Coming from this background, Dublin would like to give substance to a membership. Dublin was welcomed as a member with applause.
The theme of this event was about the future of peri urban landscapes - innovations, agriculture and quality of life. Introductions of Alexandra Strickner of the IATP and Ms Elisabeth Gauffin; Vice president of the Federation of Swedish farmers lead to a passionate debate. The global context of peri urban issues as well as the positive approach in "agriculture is still a job provider" came to live. These ideas were deepened more during a panel discussion with contributions by Mr Kozlowski Vice Marshal of the Polish Mazovia region, Mathilda Aberg of the European Commission and Ger Vos of the Dutch Innovation Network.
In Stockholm, the PURPLE delegates continued the debate started in Catalunya last year in a lively and fundamental discussion about the impact of the CAP in the individual regions. This appears to be rather different, but common ground is available. PURPLE's General Assembly agreed upon a common project in order to develop an PURPLE vision on this CAP reform to be presented in Maastricht in November. The callenge will be to integrate our concerns and positions about the management of our open space, climate change and production and distribution of food in our regions. The presence of large urban agglomerations in our regions should be seen in a positive and challenging perspective.
To demonstrate the wide European interest of the subject three networks signed an intention for cooperation. This intention states the shared interest in peri urban issues, specifically with regard to open space management and agriculture. The networks aim to work on common international projects using the website Arc Latin (a network of local and regional bodies in the Western Mediterranean) and Terres en Villes (cooperation between French Metropolitan regions and agricultural organisations) were represented by respectivily president Allessandro Mazzoli and copresident Gérard Seigle-Vatte.
See underneath and downloads for the speech of PURPLE president and document signed by Terres en Villes, Arc Latin and PURPLE
Last updated: 16 April, 2020