Each paper will set out the key issues on a particular topic, and will be backed up with examples of current initiatives and publications from PURPLE regions. The aim is to increase awareness and understanding, to raise issues of importance, to share our experience on practical solutions to problems and to showcase innovation and good practice.
Climate Change and the response in peri-urban regions (more examples)
Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in Peri-Urban regions (more examples)
Peri-Urban Open Space - how multi-functional land use can bring multiple benefits (more examples)
Food and Nutrition Security (more examples)
Public Governance (with examples to follow)
Green Infrastructure (with examples to follow)
We will be producing further Topic Papers on a number of other issues of relevance including green energy, transport and mobility management, health, and the changing demographics of peri-urban areas.
Last updated: 16 April, 2020