
Archive of 2010

Green Belts: a greener future

Feb 10, 2010

A major survey of the environmental state of Green Belt land in England and the benefits it provides for people and wildlife has been published jointly Natural England and the Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE).
A major survey of the environmental state of Green Belt land in England and the benefits it provides for people and wildlife has been published jointly Natural England and the Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE).

Download the report and annex.

Partner Search Open Days 2010

Feb 8, 2010

Open Days 2010: debating regional performance in the light of climate change and energy supply.
Open Days 2010: debating regional performance in the light of climate change and energy supply.

The region of Flanders is looking for partner regions for the DG REGIO Open Days taking place in Brussels between 4 and 7 October 2010. The regional partnership will investigate effective spatial planning strategies to address global challenges of climate change and energy supply. Two seminars under the thematic priority of (territorial) Cohesion will enable debate and comparison between regions.
For additional information on the Open Days 2010, please visit For more information on the regional partnership, please contact Interested regions should make contact before 12 February.

GMO-Free Regions Conference

Jan 21, 2010

3rd and 4th February, 2010 at the Committee of the Regions in Brussels.
3rd and 4th February, 2010 at the Committee of the Regions in Brussels


Download the programme and registration information.