

PURPLE marks launch of the European Year of Rail

Mar 30, 2021

March 29th saw the official launch of the European Year of Rail 2021. PURPLE has stated its intention to deliver a public event on the importance of peri-urban rail systems and services in the last quarter of this year as part of this initiative, with the working title of "“The year of rail in practice: recognising and reinvesting in peri-urban systems and services”.

In the meanwhile, and to mark the formal kick-off of the EYR, we attach an extended synopsis of an address given by Vice-Marshal Jankowiak of the Wielkopolska region at the 33rd PURPLE General Assembly in December 2020. There, Mr Jankowiak outlined the investments and efforts being made to maintain and deliver an efficient, safe and reliable metropolitan rail system in the midst of a pandemic outbreak, and as part of a longer, planned strategy of encouraging and supporting the use of a sustainable and smart rail system for the present and future.
