

Horizon Europe and the peri-urban

Sep 11, 2021

As reported in an online news story published here in mid-June, the PURPLE Working Group is now  looking more closely at the Horizon Europe Work Programme for 2021 and 2022 and the possible opportunities for collaboration on issues of peri-urban interest.

The group returned to its deliberations when it met again on September 10th, and began the process of analysing a number of calls within clusters 5 and 6 of the programme which specifically highlight or otherwise reference the peri-urban. The group reaafirmed its commitment to actively pursue opportunties to collaborate with others stakeholders in formulating proposald with a clear peri-urban dimension as part of their design.

Subject areas highlighted in the course of discussions include:

  • Social science approaches to linking land-use and climate change planning
  • Food sharing
  • Logistics
  • Shared mobility services
  • Fair, healthy and environmentally-friendly food systems 

Please contact info@purple-eu.org to learn more about our discussions and planned next steps.