

The Three-Countries Park celebrates 20 years

Oct 27, 2021

PURPLE has been working closely with colleagues from the Euregion Maas-Rhine for a number of years now in the context of peri-urban landscape governance etc., and is very pleased to share news of their impending twentieth anniversary. To mark the occasion, the Euregio forum are holding a one-day virtual forum on 24 November 2021 featuring inputs from all four partner regions, Flanders, Wallonia, North Rhine-Westphalia, and Dutch Limburg.

Taking the severe flooding experienced in the area in July as a reference point, the event will explore the ways in which long-term cooperation, effective practical measures and accompanying exemplary projects for a borderless and climate-resilient euregional landscape might be developed. In other words how best one might move to something more systemic and strategic than a more straightforward and immediate crisis response in a cross-border territory where water is a determining element: for the climate, for biodiversity, for providing a safe living space and for economic productivity.

The afternoon will feature a nunber of more practical level workshops on various dimensions of water management in different river basins/valleys and will also see the launch of the social media campaign "my landscape".

The event will be held in German, French and Dutch as befits the nature of the trans-border partnership with details, including a finalised programme, and further details in English as well as the three other languages at: Euregionales Forum 2021 : Dreiländerpark in der Euregio Maas-Rhein (drielandenpark.info)


Online registration in advance is required via the event organisers at: 

EMR (klinkhamergroup.com)